Are there more chances of hair fall during pregnancy due to these reasons? Know here

Are there more chances of hair fall during pregnancy due to these reasons? Know here

Pregnancy is a time when many changes take place in the body of women. Due to these changes, hair fall also becomes a common problem. Many women complain of excessive hair fall during this period. The main reason for this is the lack of some essential nutrients in the body. Let us know what deficiency causes this problem and how it can be cured. 

Main reasons behind hair fall

  • Iron deficiency: Iron deficiency can be the biggest reason during pregnancy. Iron deficiency causes anemia in the body, which weakens the hair roots and causes hair fall.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: Vitamin D is very important for hair growth. Its deficiency weakens the hair and causes hair fall. Many women suffer from vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, which increases hair fall.
  • Hormonal changes: During pregnancy, the levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone change, which affects the hair growth cycle and can increase hair fall. Sometimes after the birth of the child, when the hormone level becomes normal, the condition of the hair also improves, but some women may have to face the problem of excessive hair fall.
  • Protein deficiency: Protein plays an important role in the formation of hair. If the intake of protein decreases during pregnancy, the hair roots become weak and hair starts falling.

Solutions to fix this

  • Iron and Vitamin D Supplements: Take iron and vitamin D supplements as advised by your doctor. This will meet the deficiency in the body and reduce hair fall.
  • Take a balanced diet: Include iron, protein, and vitamin D rich foods in your diet, such as green leafy vegetables, pulses, eggs, and fish.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water, so that the body remains hydrated and the hair remains healthy.
  • Reduce stress: Taking stress during pregnancy can increase hair fall. Therefore, keep yourself relaxed with activities like yoga and meditation.
  • Proper hair care: Do not tie your hair too tightly and protect them from chemicals. Use mild shampoo and conditioner. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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